Registration for the Canadian National Pathfinder #Connected Virtual Camporeeis now going on. All Pathfinders are encouraged to join this virtual event. Admission is FREE but registration is required.
Pathfinder leaders, Master Guides, TLTs and MG Trainees are invited to serve as volunteers. Please visit www.camporee.ca to register and for more details.

The Ontario Conference is organizing a virtual mass choir as our musical offering for and contribution to the #Connected Camporee.
Each voice part has its own separate guide MP3 guide. There is one piece for all voices (SATB). Choose your voice and please listen to your part. Make sure you practice and play along with the pre-recorded guide at before making the video.
Recording Guidelines:
1. Choose a QUIET location with NO background noise
2. Record using headphones/earphones and sing along with MP3 Guide.
3. What to wear: Complete Pathfinder type A uniform. No jewelry.
4. Please make yourself and your background presentable. Plain light background is recommended.
5. Make sure your face is well lit from front.
6. Set up your camera so that your body from the chest up to you face is included in the frame
7. Please DO NOT record using 4k resolution – this will make editing and rendering extremely slow. Recommended setting is 1080p 30 fps before recording.
8. Camera should be in LANDSCAPE orientation
9. After last note, please stay with bright facial expression for about 5 seconds.
10. Please save your recording like this: Voice_Name (e.g. Bass_Prince Pascual)
11. Please upload the video directly to the shared drive above. 12. Recorded Videos need to be submitted by June 30, 2021.
Please click the Google Link below to access the MP3 and music sheets:

Each instrument listed has its own piece in PDF format. There is one piano guide which will serve as the tempo for playing. Choose your instrument and please listen to your part. Make sure you practice and play along with the pre-recorded guide at before making the video.
Recording Guidelines:
1. Choose a QUIET location with NO background noise
2. Record using headphones/earphones and play along with MP3 Piano Guide for synchronicity.
3. What to wear: Complete Pathfinder type A uniform. No jewelry.
4. Please make yourself and your background presentable. Plain light background is recommended.
5. Make sure your face is well lit from front.
6. Set up your camera so that the whole instrument is included in the frame, together with your face and body.
7. Please DO NOT record using 4k resolution – this will make editing and rendering extremely slow. Recommended setting is 1080p 30 fps before recording.
8. Camera should be in LANDSCAPE orientation
9. After last note, please stay with bright facial expression for about 5 seconds.
10. Please save your recording like this: Part_Name (e.g. Violin 1_Prince Pascual)
11. Please upload the video directly to the shared drive above.
12. Recorded Videos need to be submitted by June 30, 2021.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the first nationwide Pathfinder virtual choir.
(Note: A Canadian Mass Choir will be organized as well that we encourage Pathfinders from across Canada to be a part of. More details to follow).
Please click the Google link below to downloaded the music sheets for the choir parts:

Virtual Drill Team & Drum Corps Competition
Rules will be adapted from the International Camporee.
1. Recording device must be set on a tripod
2. Every member of the team must be visible at all times in the recording
3. Editing of the video is prohibited.
4. Masks are required for participants.
5. At the beginning of the video the team must be announced to the recording device
6. Start the video 5 seconds before the start of the demonstration and run it 5 seconds after the demonstration is over.
7. Recording must take place in a well lit area.
8. Set video resolution to 1080p Full HD
9. Recording must be done is a landscape position.
10.Video file must be saved as Name of Person Submitting Video_Drum or Drill + Club/Team name +category_Email (example: JohnDoe_Drill_BayOfFundyFlyers_Basic_jdoe@aol.com)
Videos must be submitted by July 23, 2021

The Ontario Conference is assigned to do the following parts for the Daytime and Nighttime programs for the #Connected Pathfinder Virtual Camporee on August 4-8, 2021.
Participants are needed from those who are already registered:
Daytime Program
1. Opening Prayer – Thursday
2. 10-min – Devotional – Friday
3. Pathfinder Law – Sabbath
4. Pathfinder Pledge – Sunday
The Ontario Conference has been tasked to do a Feature Presentation, which may be in the form of a skit, animation, or musical interpretation.
We are looking for a Pathfinder club that can do a 10-minute portrayal of our Lord JESUS showing how he CONNECTED with God and fellowmen.
This Feature Presentation will be broadcast on Sabbath, August 7, 2021, during the midday service. Please email emartin@adventistontario.org to convey your intent to sponsor Feature Presentation for camporee.
Devotional Guidelines
1. Devotionals should be between 5 to 10 minutes
2. They can be a personal story, inspirational story, true or fictional event
3. You may use props.
4. This can be done by one Pathfinder or a group of Pathfinders
5. You can wear costumes if you wish.
6. The devotional should be centered around the theme of the camporee: #CONNECTED
Recording Guidelines
1. Location must be well lit.
2. Please record in a location that does not have background noise.
3. Recording must be done in a landscape position.
4. Set your recording device on a table or tripod. Please do not hold the device
5. Set video resolution to 1080p Full HD
6. Pathfinders must be in Class A Uniforms for Law, Pledge and Prayers. No jewelry.
7. Keep still for 5 seconds before and after you start recording and end recording.
8. Save file as Event and Day (example: Name_Church_Law_Friday or DevotionalThursday_Email)
9. Every participant must sign the Medial Liability Release Form.
10.Recordings need to be submitted by June 30, 2021
Email recordings to brenda.henry@maritimesda.com or upload via www.camporee.ca
Nighttime Programming
Pathfinder participants are needed to do the following:
1. Flag Raising and Lowering (Recording at the SDACC Office in Oshawa)
2. Opening Prayer: English & French
3. Welcome: As many different languages as possible
3. Canadian National Anthem: English & French
4. Pathfinder Song: English and French
5. Pledge / Law / Aim / Motto: English and French
6. 2-minute Testimony (regarding the difference God has made in their lives through Pathfindering)
7. Vocal or Instrumental Rendition
8. 2-minute Talent Presentation (pre-recorded) to be featured each nightly program. This may include a song, instrumental presentation, monologues, animation, puppetry, etc.
Kindly submit your pre-recorded videos by June 30th, 2021 via our website:
http://camporee.ca/nighttime-program/. Prior to this, kindly review the Video Recording Guidelines at: http://camporee.ca/video-recording/ and please ensure that for all submissions, each participant also completes the media release form which can be found at: http://camporee.ca/forms/. For more information, please visit: http://camporee.ca/.