The Ontario Conference Pathfinder Council (OCPC) is happy to announce that plans are underway for the 2022 Pathfinder “Overcomer” Camporee to be held in-person on August 9-14, 2022 at the Ontario Conference’s newly acquired campground in New Lowell, ON.
It is our fervent prayer that things will get better by summer this year, as far as the COVID-19 pandemic is concerned. Otherwise, alternative plans will be implemented. Surely, we will continue to monitor the situation and will put in place relevant measures for the safety of everyone.
To aid the Camporee Committee in planning this exciting event, clubs are urged to pre-register (no fee required at this time) no later than March 15, 2022. Please see the next page for a sample pre-registration form. Payments will be required by April 2022.
The 2022 Pathfinder “Overcomer” Camporee will be held in-person at Ontario Conference’s Camp at 5867 County Rd. 9, New Lowell, ON (just Northwest of Barrie).

- To emphasize the spiritual importance of connecting to Christ in order to overcome life’s challenges
- To remind Pathfinders that they can overcome hard times such as the COVID-19 pandemic through Christ, who will give them strength
- To bring the Pathfinders together to mingle and get re-acquainted face to face
- To explore nature and have fun
- To foster fellowship and personal interaction
- To teach Pathfinders on how to overcome.
- JANUARY 21 – Release of Standing Orders (Part 1)
- FEBRUARY 18 – Deadline for Logo Design submission
- MARCH 31 – Deadline for Camporee Pre-registration (no fee required yet)
- MARCH 20 – Annual Pathfinder Directors and Staff Meeting
- MARCH 31 – Deadline for Theme Song submission
- MARCH 31 – Release of Standing Orders (Part 2)
- April 1-29 – Submission of camporee payments by clubs
- JUNE 17 – Release of Standing Orders (Final Part)
- AUGUST 9 – Camp setup
- AUGUST 9-14 – Overcomer Pathfinder Camporee
All clubs are urged to pre-register no later than March 31, 2022. No payment required at this time. As soon as camporee is confirm that it will be in-person, payments will be requested from all pre-registered clubs start April 1st through the 29th.
All clubs are urged to pre-register no later than March 31, 2022. No payment required at this time. As soon as camporee is confirm that it will be in-person, payments will be requested from all pre-registered clubs start April 1st through the 29th.
1. The logo contest is open to Ontario Pathfinders,10 – 16 years of age, who are registered and actively participating with their local Pathfinder club.
2. Logo should reflect the camporee theme: “Overcomer” based on the story of Ruth from the Old Testament.
3. Contestants are allowed to work in groups; however, only one (1) prize will be awarded regardless of group size.
4. One or more submissions per person is acceptable.
5. All entries must be submitted electronically and must include the following information of the person who designed the logo:
a. Full name
b. Email address
c. Mailing address
d. Telephone number
e. Church/club name
f. Club Director
6. Entries must be submitted as JPEG files. For quality reproduction purposes, the winning entry must later be submitted in a scalable vector graphic format (EPS). Colour must be CMYK, though the logo may also be produced in black and white. Contestants are advised to avoid gradients and half-tones. The logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes. It should be visually appealing on both small (as small as 2 cm x 2 cm) and large scales.
7. Entrants affirm their submissions are their own original work, have not been copied from others or from previous designs, including their own, and do not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.
8. Submissions become the sole property of the Ontario Conference Pathfinder Council (OCPC) and may be used for any OCPC purposes, including, but not limited to, display on websites, business cards, letterhead, posters, and other materials.
9. OCPC shall have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winning submission in part or in its entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.
10. OCPC reserves the right to choose not to use the winning entry as described in these contest guidelines.
11. OCPC reserves the right to use any other entry for promotional purposes in the future.
12. If the winner is determined to have violated any rules, he/she will be required to forfeit or return the prize, even if the determination is made after the prize has been awarded.
Deadline for Submission
Submit camporee logo design entry via the website no later than 11:59 pm, February 18, 2022.
The camporee logo design contest winner will receive a $100 gift card and a trophy.
- The song contest is open to Ontario Pathfinders, 10 – 16 years of age, who are registered and actively participating with their local Pathfinder club.
- Song must be an original composition.
- Contestants are permitted to work in groups; however, only one (1) prize will be awarded regardless of group size.
- Lyrics should reflect the camporee theme, “Overcomer.” You may get inspiration also from the story of Ruth from the Old Testament.
- The song should be catchy, moving, and have a Christ-Centered message
- Length should be 1-2 minutes only.
- Submission should include:
- A recording of the song (mp3 or similar file format)
- A lyric sheet with score (including melody line and chords)
- Lyrics of theme song saved in a Word document
- Cover email/letter containing contact information (name, full mailing address, email address, daytime telephone number/cell phone number, and church/club membership) of the composer(s).
- A music video in MP4 format
- If possible, make a French translation, but not mandatory.
Deadline for Submission
Submit theme song entry via the website no later than 11:59 PM, March 31, 2022.
Use of Selected Song
The selected song will be used as theme song for the 2022 Ontario Conference “Overcomer” Pathfinder Camporee. In addition, the successful composer(s) will be invited to perform the song live at the opening ceremonies.
Please note that the Pathfinder Department of the Ontario Conference must have the right to use or perform the selected song in any format at any time without the need for permission from or compensation paid to the composer or other copyright holder. If the finalist cannot meet these conditions, then another song may be selected.
One (1) ticket to the 2024 Believe the Promise International Camporee in Gillette, WY, and a music trophy will be awarded to the winning song regardless of the number of individuals involved.