The Inter-American Division will convene its 5th. Pathfinder Camporee at the Trelawny Multi-Purpose Stadium on the North Coast in the parish of Trelawny, Jamaica. The date is April 4-8, 2023. It is anticipated that between 14,000 and 18,000 Pathfinders and their leaders and chaperones from the Inter-American Division territory will be in attendance. All campers should arrive on April 3rd and may depart on the 9th.
The Administration of our Division utilizes this medium to officially invite you as well as some of your pathfinders, club directors, parents and chaperones from your field to join us and participate in this exciting event. The theme is “Pathfinders in Mission”. The featured bible character will be Gideon.
The camporee fee for each international pathfinder is US$120. Details on the camporee can be obtained at
We look forward to your response in the affirmative, as we pray that through His rovidence, God will continue to bless and energize your efforts towards fulfilment of is mission for our pathfinders and their leaders.
Your brothers in Christ,
Dr. Balvin B. Braham, IAD Vice President & Youth Ministries Supervisor
Pastor Al Powell, IAD Youth Ministries Director